
Sunday, November 29, 2009


I've been a real slacking bastard these last few months unless, of course, you consider having a baby slacking. I've heard that sleep deprivation is a big factor to deal with, but they really don't tell you how big a deal it really is. If there's one thing I would stress, it would be that sleepless nights WILL determine how you function for at least the first two months after the baby arrives.

That said, we're managing to get by. The sleep issue is slowly starting to resolve itself, and we're starting to put our lives and our house back together (but very slowly).

The little guy was born 09/20/2009. Good numbers, no? Either way, we're thrilled to have him here. He's been great to have around the house, and we can't believe how lucky we feel to have him. It's going to be an interesting journey for all of us.