
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veterans Day 2008

Another Veterans Day has come and gone. More than the religious holidays, the holidays that commemorate our country's history seem more significant to me. We have a lot to be thankful for (ironically, we'll have a day later this month to do just that), and much of that is due to the sacrifices made by millions of U.S. veterans (both living and dead).

I'm not much of a flag-waver, but I appreciate that many young men have died over the course of this country's history. It's sad to think of the futures they never got to live or, in the case of the severely wounded, the futures that didn't turn out like they might have wished or hoped for.

You also have to give a nod to the parents of the boys who went to war and never returned. I can only imagine what their pain must have been like, and hope to never experience that pain for myself.

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