
Sunday, January 18, 2009

I can see clearly now...

The wife just got home. I went downstairs to help her bring up some groceries she'd picked up, and set them on the kitchen counter. I looked out the kitchen window and... what the hell is that? Oh! My! God! It's Mt. Rainier!

We had a completely unobstructed view of Mt. Rainier when we moved into the house in 2002. Sadly, over the last few years, the view slowly disappeared as the trees in one of our neighbor's yards grew up and completely obstructed our view. I couldn't tell whose yard the trees were in (and am still not entirely sure), but someone bought the house below our next door neighbor and he has been doing LOTS of clearing of the lot. I heard some more cutting yesterday, but I just noticed the restored view. It's not completely cleared, but we can see about 80% of the mountain. I'm hoping that who ever is doing the cutting still has some more work to do and continues removing the remaining trees that obstruct the view.

For now, I'm going to enjoy the view while it lasts!

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