
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Don’t be an idiot


I’ve been seeing a lot of these ads lately advertising making all sorts of ridiculous health claims; laying the key to physical health at the foot of the lowly acai berry.  Look, it may be a tropical fruit with lots of health benefits, but it I will NOT turn you in to a ripped stud, no matter how much you consume.  If you want to look like the decapitated body on the right, Alex Rodriguez can probably introduce you to someone…

Uhh... yeah, right.











That said, let’s look at this add.  Our new buddy, “Jason” is touting the health benefits of acai (I’m assuming it’s juice because he mentions that you drink it).  He claims that if you use this product, you won’t have to work out “too much”.  Define “too much”.  It also states in the ad that he went from flab to fab (the pictures you see at the bottom of the screenshot) in one month.  YGBFK!  Uh, yeah, sure, Jason.

Now, if Jason is so proud of his new physique, why did he crop the heads off both the before and after picture?  Wouldn’t you want to prove that it was really you in the photos?  I know I would. 

Our new buddy also mentions that he submitted this story to, but the URL shows that we’re looking at "”.  If the answer is based solely on my response to the add, then I’m a freakin’ genius because they aren’t getting a dime from me. 

I’ve recently been seeing ads geared toward women in which one woman claimed to lose 43 pounds in 2 weeks.  Now, come on…  Please.  Does ANYONE believe this crap?

To illustrate my point, I made a screenshot of an add a few months ago because it was so ludicrous, I couldn’t believe it.  In fact, this revolutionary product is so amazing that it can turn you from a massively obese black woman into a merely overweight woman.  Don’t believe me?  Look for yourself.Baby got back in black (to white)

See?  I told you.  On top of this, even if it was the same woman (not that I’m conceding this point, mind you), the picture on the left would have represented a much greater weight loss than 12 pounds.  I realize they haven’t made the claim that these pictures of the “same” woman were taken two weeks apart, but that’s the implication.

Do yourself a favor.  Put the fork down, go outside, and take a nice walk around the neighborhood.  Meet your neighbors, walk the dog, get active.  There are no shortcuts, so just be reasonable and set your expectations appropriately.  You’ll get there.

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