
Saturday, May 16, 2009

ColorWare: Too cool

I stumbled across a company that takes your electronic devices and applies new colors, for the ultimate in customization. If you have a burning desire to stand out from the rest of the crowd, here's your chance.

Some of the products you can have customized include:
  • Phones (iPhone, Blackberry)
  • Music devices and peripherals (iPod: Classic, Touch, Nano, bases, earphones)
  • Gaming Devices (Wii, xBox, Playstation)
  • Kindle
  • Keyboards
  • Computer cases

The range of colors is pretty impressive, but bring your plastic, as it's not an inexpensive process.

All about dogs.

There's a link on MSN that poses the question: Which are the best dog breeds for kids?

We have two Scotties, which we love dearly, and they are great with kids. Imagine my suprise when I found a list that shows the American Pit Bull as being much better with kids than our dogs. On a scale of 1-5, with 1 being the best, the APB recieved a #1 rating, the Scotties received a #4.

Anyway, here's a site that lists a boatlaod of dog breeds.

I didn't know there are so many. Fascinating.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The New Black: Burakumin

I've always felt the Japanese were a little odd. This confirms my suspicions...,21985,25422301-663,00.html

While America's record was, and remains, far from perfect, this sort of ancestral privilege stuff is complete nonsense. The fact that they cop to it, is quite astounding.

The Indians still practice caste-based discrimination, and I suspect other cultures do as well. Come on, people, it's 2009, let's get with the program.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Elvis CD $3

Nothing but outtakes from various 1957 recording sessions. For the curious only.

2 shirts/$4

I was asking for $5/each, but I want to get rid of this (stuff)...

It's now raining...

It had lightly sprinkled before, but now it's flat-out raining.

Any hopes that I might sell more of my (stuff), have gone right out the window. I am forced to sit here until the bitter end, slightly chilled and bored. Oh, the joy!

8 CDs/$20

I don't even know which ones left (I did see a Gladys Knight and the Pips and my wife's Counting Crows). Keep on buying!

Strangely (or not), no one has shown any interest in my circa 1976 Kirby vacuum, with attachments. I suspect I'll have to lug that POS back into the house at the end of the day.

7 CDs, $15 bucks

I know the math doesn't work out, but they offered $15. Didn't want to lose the sale (I really want to unload this stuff), so I took it.

4 CDs, $10

Sold 4 to the next door neighbor.

3 CDs 2 DVD, $17

Just sold some more (stuff). A few DVDs (Ray, Altered States, Mickey Mouse Club, $3/each) and 3 CDs (Roger Daltry's Greatest Hits, Leon Russell, and a classical guitar disc, $3 each; 2/$5).
Not gonna make a million bucks, but it's less crap I have in the house, a little pocket money, and hopefully someone will get to enjoy the new purchases.

My shit's worth $3

We're having a neighborhood garage sale today. I've dragged what little I have to sell (the wife didn't cull through any of her crap and she's out of town this weekend), and propped it up on the porch (to stay out of any sprinkles that are forecast).

It's somewhat humiliating to have someone come half way down the walk, look at my stuff, then turn heel and head for another house.

That said, I've already made my first sale (Meatloaf's autobiography) and am $3 richer for my efforts...

I don't expect to make a lot of money today, but we'll see.