
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

4 new KUAY (Grizzly) yearbooks!

I won an auction today for 4 yearbooks for Queen Anne High School in Seattle. After winning the auction, I drove north to pick them up. The woman came out from the back of the store with a bag and pulled out the yearbooks ('48-'51). They were in great shape. Then she said... "I didn't know if you'd want these, but..."

Whatever it is, lady, I want it.

She pulled out a couple booklets from the 50-year reunions from the classes of 1929 and 1930. They really weren't much more than a directory for those in attendance, those who could not be located, and those who had passed. Awesome!!! Within one of the booklets were a couple newspaper clippings that contained articles about the first principal's retirement. At 28, he was the first school's first principal when it opened in 1909, and was the only principal until his retirement in 1951. Now THAT'S dedication! Very cool.

The wife still doesn't get it, but I love collecting these yearbooks.

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