
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Am I old? Another great birthday...

I celebrated my birthday yesterday. It was a great day, starting with opening my gifts, followed by heading out to a local pancake house the wife likes. I know, I know, it's my birthday, but I was happy to go along with that, knowing what she was going to sacrifice on my behalf...

1958 ImpalaAfter breakfast, we went to the Greenwood car show, which we go to every year. Love it! Took a lot of pictures, but because the wife is in a somewhat compromised state, I pushed through it much faster than I would normally.  Lots of women there, most tortured to the same degree as the wife.  I love old cars.

Afterward, we stopped off at the Fred Meyer to pick up a few bags of potting soil, before coming home to plant the Improved Meyer Lemon plant, which was one of my birthday gifts.

We later headed out to dinner at The Kingfish Cafe, one of my favorite places, and I ate myself into a near food coma. Why do I do that? No matter, the food was great and I enjoyed the best wings I've ever had!

Afterward, we came home to check on the dogs, and to take a little nap. Nap done, we headed out to catch a show of improv comedy. The idea is not exactly something I would have been drawn to, but it was much more enjoyable than I expected. At the intermission, the wife was getting her headache back, and given the long day, we were both exhausted, so we decided to leave and head home.

A great day, and I have the wife to thank for it. Thanks, babe.

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