
Monday, June 22, 2009

Why? Why? Why?

Or maybe the subject line should be Where? Where? Where?

I'm off for the week until classes start next Monday. I thought I'd be productive and get some much neglected yardwork done. The camelias are in desperate need of some pruning as they are about 9 feet high and need to come down about 2 feet or so, and trimmed up on the front and sides.

I shower, get dressed, and head into the garage looking to tool-up. First things first, I need the extension ladder. Hmmm... it's not here where I last left it. I check the Gorilla racks. I'm not sure how it might have gotten there but, knowing myself, I wouldn't have put it there. Maybe the wife put it there. No ladder.

I search everywhere in the garage and come up empty handed.

This leaves only one possibility: The wife loaned it to one of her friends and didn't bother to get it back. More accurately, the friends didn't bother to get it back to us.

I've gone looking for MY tools only to find them weren't there. Wife moved 'em, didn't bother to return them.

Went to wash the Impala a week ago, and wound up washing the wife's car. While I was about to start that, she headed over to the Impala with a dry rag, and was going run the rag across the hood to get it damp. Get away from that car... Thank god I was paying attention. I told her to NOT do that.

This, my friends, is why I don't allow the wife to touch ANY of my things. If it's not yours, you don't touch it...

Does that make me an ass? Maybe, but at least I know where my things are...

So, no ladder, no yardwork. I suppose I could do other things around the yard, but the buzzkill is complete. I'll work getting the indoors taken care of.

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