
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Put a fork in me, I'm done...

Seattle is currently in the midst of a sweltering heat wave, unlike anything ever experienced before. As I type this, it is currently 8:30 pm and a blistering 95 degrees. I suspect that's pretty damn hot for just about anywhere in the country, but in the Pacific Northwest, it's unheard of.

I'm sitting in the basement, where the temperatures usually range at least 10 degrees cooler than upstairs (where the thermostat reads a balmy 88), but it seems nearly as hot down here.

There was an advantage to being down here the other night as the heat wave started to kick in, but after a couple days of baking, there's very little temperature difference between the two regions. I'm sweating like a pig.

Some forecasters are predicting Seattle may hit 101 tomorrow, higher in the interior regions.

Already looking forward to when it again reaches something manageable, like 85...

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