
Saturday, November 8, 2008

I hate Gene Simmons

I used to think Gene Simmons was the shit. Seriously, I thought he was the baddest thing alive. Then I grew up and realized he was nothing more than a two-bit huckster, selling anything and everything with the KISS logo on it. There's even a KISS Kasket. Don't believe me?

I was perusing the vids on MSNBC yesterday, when I saw a thumbnail showing that jackass on the set of Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? He's also got his own show that's nothing more than a cheap rip-off of the Ozzy Osbourne family "reality" show, Meet the Osbournes.

This is all pretty old news, but I'm sitting here looking for some tennis shoes and I surf on out to the Vans website. What is the first thing staring me in the face? I'll be damned if it's not a pair of KISS high tops.

I have to guess that most fans of the band have got to be in their 40s by now. What middle-aged doofus is going to spend $65 for the privilege of looking like the oldest geek on the block? Not I.

As the years have passed and interest in the band waned, it seems the other members of KISS (original or otherwise) have adjusted nicely to their life outside the limelight. They obviously have other things in their life that have replaced KISS (or the compulsive need for attention). It's sad that Gene doesn't have anything else going on in his life, apart from this one thing. Trying to drum up demand when said demand has long since dried up, is really quite pathetic.

The idea of this clown hawking his wares at 80 is not terribly appealing, and at this rate, he'll be eventually become Rock's answer to Hugh Hefner. Simmons has become a buffoon, but he's so in love with himself, he can't see it.

Gene, get a life.


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