
Saturday, November 8, 2008

Take that!

I collect year books, mostly from one school. Ironically, it's not even a school I attended.

I find most of them through eBay and have done a decent job finding them over the years. It used to be that I was usually the only person bidding on these books, however, over the last year or so, I've developed some competition, and another person is frequently bidding against me for these yearbooks. Just last week I was outbid in the last few seconds of an auction, depriving me of the chance of a nice 1957 yearbook. That really pissed me off. The only consolation I got from that was knowing that I greatly inflated the cost of the item toward the end of the auction (but the sting of losing still hurts).

Another auction came up last week for a school lapel pin; class of '39. I watched the bid for days and there was no activity on it. This morning, I took the dogs to the off-leash dog park, and planned to come straight home and make a bid. When I got home and checked on the auction, I found that the scumbug I've been competing against placed a bid about an hour before auction's end.

Given how badly I was scammed on the last auction, I was not going to be denied. I waited until there was less than 30 seconds and put in a rather sizeable bid. Thankfully, it was larger than the other person's highest bid, and there wasn't enough time to put in a final bid , as they'd done on the previous auction. Ha! Ha! The lapel pin is mine!

What the hell am I going to do with a lapel pin?

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