
Sunday, November 9, 2008

The White Man Will Want His Civil Rights...

A recent MSNBC article mentions that in Obama's first press conference, he made a passing reference to his race and described himself as a "mutt". Some say that his off-hand reference to his racial background could indicate that he may take on some of the bigger racial issues that confront America today. There has never been a president more qualified to discuss race than this one. That's a good thing.

Another item mentioned is the reality that, in the not-too-distant future (estimated 2042), the White man will be a minority in this country. For as long as Whites oppressed the blacks (and all other racial minorities), the tide will soon turn. I wonder, then, how much Whites will be bitching about their rights as a minority, and how badly they will wanted to be treated with the dignity and respect they feel they are entitled. My, how the worm has turned...

It stands to reason that with the changes in the racial make up of this country, in that not-too-distant future, many of our politicians will look more like a Barack, a Juan, or Ichiro, than they will that pasty-faced loser, GWB. Good.

While I will be a geezer in 2042 (assuming I live that long), it will be interesting to see if the white minority feels oppressed and, in their righteous indignation, demand to be treated like equal citizens under the law.

We shall see.

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