
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Etiquette Schmetiquette

So, I'll admit that my table manners could use improvement. It's not that they're terrible, it's just that I eat quickly. The way I look at it is: Eat it at its intended temperature. If it's supposed to be hot, eat it while it's hot.

That got me to thinking about a few rare situations when I felt more than a little out of place. Take, for instance, the wedding we attended in Scotland. This was a formal, formal wedding. The reception was held at a country club and the room was decked out like nothing I'd ever seen before. The finest linens, plates, and silverware. The silverware had something on the order of 17 forks, 62 spoons and 34 knives. Well, maybe not that many, but you get the idea. If I'm eating anywhere in the US, I know the rules about using the utensils on the outside first and working your way in. No problem there, but what to do with the utensils at the at of the plate (12 o'clock position)?

Thinking back on that, I feel like the ugly American tourist, and would like to avoid future embarrassment.

So, I finally ordered a book on etiquette that's been on my Wish List forever. It came today and it was, SURPRISE!, an audio CD. How the hell am I supposed to learn etiquette from a CD? My first thought was to return it, but before I did, I wanted to make sure I got what I'd ordered. I visit to confirmed I did. I guess I should have read the description more carefully. I then re-read the comments and all 15 reviewers gave it a 5-star rating. Not many products get a unanimous rating like that, so I think I'll keep it.

I'll let you decide whether my manners have improved.

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