
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

When and How?

Been reading the year-end wrap ups and the inevitiable celebrity passings of the past year.

In review, I find a number of people who died that were younger than I am. Many, of course, are older, but some are not that much older and it makes me realize that I could contract a serious illness in the next few years and be gone, well before I currently think I might die. I come from family that lives well into their 80s and 90s and hope to continue the trend. Hell, with medical advances being what they are, it would be nice to live a nice healthy life into my 90s.

As a young kid I used to think that on day of every year, would be my future date of death and in X years to that day, I would die. Sort of morbid, but it's the kind of thing I thought about. Still do.

How much time do I have? Who can say, but I definitely feel I need to put more life into my living. The average Joe shit just isn't cutting it.

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