
Monday, December 15, 2008

It's like Christmas in December...

Flopping downstairs in the basement playing Guitar Hero 3 this afternoon. We're going out to a movie tonight, so the wife called me upstairs to get ready.

Popping upstairs, what should I find on the kitchen table? Not 1, not 2, but 3 packages for moi. Oh BOY! I tear into them like nobody's business. The first one, I have no idea what it might be, but sure enough, it's the book I ordered just a few days ago. I'm surprised only in that it came as quickly as it did. I know one is a DVD I ordered through, but which one? It turns out to be Monster's Ball. Oh BOY! For obvious reasons...

The third package is the 1960 Queen Anne Yearbook. I collect yearbooks from that school, and this particular edition has my ex-next-door-neighbor as a senior. He hasn't changed all that much and I can see the resemblence in his kids...

Better than Christmas.

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