
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Anthropology prof is terrible: Buh-bye

After 3 hellish days of the worst instruction imagineable, I've decided to cut my losses and drop my Anthro class.

Yesterday we sat through a "lecture" that was on of the most disjointed things I've had the pain of sitting through. Today was worse.

She started by telling us that she was going to participate in a Mexican/Indian dance this weekend at UW and that if we showed up we'd get extra credit. For what!? Just showing up? How does that warrant any extra credit.

We then sat through a 40-minute rehash of yesterday's presentation, including a bunch of "new" info, some of which consisted of her telling us the most recent Anthro book she read, with a summary of said book. This all done via PowerPoint, mind you. The next few slides consisted of photos of her current professors at the U, along with quotes pertaining to the work they've done. How the hell is this relevant to what we're doing?!

The slide deck she used today was rife with typos, misspellings, and even an incomplete thought. The material is obviously not been prepared with the care that it needs.

She also wanted to thank the student who yesterday asked her to explain what Anthropology was. She explained that she usually teaches to grad students and had forgotten who she was speaking to.

If you want to attend a class where the students have the deer-in-the-headlights look on their faces, this is the class to visit.

Oh, BTW, the prof said today that's she's 25. Nothing wrong with that, I suppose, but I'd wished for a better instructor. At this rate, I can't imagine enjoying a single minute of her class, so I'm out of there...

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