
Friday, February 6, 2009

Places to Visit

The latest The Territory Ahead catalog came in the other day. On the cover, bathed in a warm, yellow light, is the most amazing picture of the Acropolis I've seen.

I Google'd to find some more pictures and to get more information about the Acropolis and, according to one caption, the cover photo shows some of the Caryatid statues at Erechteion.

There is another picture within the catalog that shows some of the most ornately carved columns, and I love looking at pictures of ancient architecture. I'm always amazed at how advanced the "ancient" cultures were.

Anyway, that got me to thinking of all the places I want to visit before my toes are found pointing up that final time.

Let's make a list and knock off as many of them as possible, shall we? This list is in no particular order, and will be appended to as time permits and as I discover potential points of interest.
  • New Zealand
  • Greece
  • Spain
  • Thailand
  • Australia
  • Cambodia (Ankor Wat)
  • Mexico (Yucatan)

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