
Sunday, February 22, 2009

This Is Your Life: Stephen Fowler

It's probably pretty easy to jump on the anti-Stephen Fowler bandwagon these days. Hell, I didn't even know a controversy was brewing until last night, when I ran across a MSN story on the dust up. Following up with some of the information contained in the story, I came across a few other links and did a little watching. Wow! What an ass; not because he's British, but because he's a boorishly rude host.

I don't think there's a single family participating in Wife Swap that doesn't have a good idea how the format works: The wives of families of differing backgrounds/viewpoints, trade places for two weeks. During the first week, the guest-wife must abide by their host family's rules; the following week, the guest-wives institute rules their host family must follow. At the end of the two weeks, spouses are reunited, and the heads of both families sit down to discuss their experiences. Results are filmed and juxtaposed; hilarity ensues.

We all know that if the two swapping families had more in common with each other, there'd be no conflict, and therefore, no reason to watch the show. I get that, I suspect the participating families get that. That said, to have an opinion about a country, its culture, or its people is one thing, but to be so blatantly rude to a guest in your own home, is simply unforgiveable. Actually, put into the proper context, this is not so much a clash of UK vs. US cultures, but more a clash of socio-economic cultures. The British moron could just as easily have been American, looking down his "superior" nose at anyone else from the US whom he considered to be his intellectual inferior. When all else fails, follow The Golden Rule.

Sure, now that the story is out and he's been exposed for the cad he really is, Mr. Fowler has offered up an apology on his wife's website. No, he didn't have to apologize, but he did, though it's probably a day late and a dollar short. Like all things Internet, once it's out there, it's out there for good, and there's nothing that can be done to "take it back". Sadly, the chickens have come home to roost in ways I don't think he could have envisioned. Unfortunately, despite his claims of intellectual superiority, his wife and kids have to pay a price for his stupidity. Judge not, lest ye be judged...

MSN Story:

Fairly self-explanatory

ABC's Wife Swap site:

YouTube presentation of Wife Swap:

ABC News Report:

Now, as much of a condescending prick as Mr. Fowler was, the folks from the Midwest really were pretty ignorant, and seemed rather proud of the fact; or at least not bothered by it. It was painful watching the mother read the welcome letter at the opening of the show. There wasn't a single word in it that should have given her trouble, yet she struggled to get through it. Sad.

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