
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Shock the Monkey

A recent story came out about a pet chimpanzee that attacked a friend of the woman who owned the monkey.  I didn’t think too much about it, I mean, how much damage can a chimp inflict?  If a chimp thought he could take me, he’d have a serious ass-whooping coming to him.
This monkey nearly killed a woman
My smugness quickly evaporated when I read the story above.  Not only does the chimp weigh 200 pounds, but I understand they can be quite strong, especially when enraged.  Maybe I wouldn’t fare as well as I initially thought. 

I kept reading and in doing so, I came across a description of the woman’s injuries:  “The woman lost both eyes, her nose and part of her jawbone in the attack.”

Holy shit.  It was so bad that when the cops arrived, one of them thought the victim was a man.  Who could blame him? 

“After police arrived, one officer radioed back: ‘There's a man down. He doesn't look good,’ he says, referring to the disfigured Nash. ‘We've got to get this guy out of here. He's got no face.’”

OK, this story is all I need to know that I don’t want to be around any monkey, period.

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