
Monday, March 23, 2009

Al Pacino: Movies that Suck

I recently watched an Al Pacino movie streamed over Netflix. The movie I had the misfortune of watching was "88 Minutes". Before I started watching, I didn't realize that the movie is set in Seattle. I remember when the movie came out, it got terrible reviews. Having seen the movie, I can now say that those reviews were well earned. What a steaming crap fest. I'm not even sure where to begin, so I won't, but I'll say this: Avoid at all costs.

Now, putting aside the lousy plot, pathetic acting, and the city stands in for Seattle (I suspect it was filmed in Vancouver, BC), the one thing that really cracked me up was a scene that was shot on a university "campus" where Pacino's character teaches. In the scene, it's raining (or supposed to be), a fact that's made clear by the fact that just about EVERY single person in the shot is carrying an umbrella. For the record, most Seattleites do NOT carry umbrellas. I'm not sure if we think it's effeminate to carry one, or that we're made of sterner stuff, but if you see 10 umbrellas on a rainy day, that's saying something. We've got hooded rain jackets, we've get ball caps, we don't care if we get our hair wet. Umbrellas? Nyet!

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