
Sunday, April 5, 2009

HTH: How'd That Happen?

The wife and I were in the local drugstore last night. She asked me to hold my head still and look to my right. I compiled and was rewarded with a report that I had a broken blood vessel in my eye.

We've all seen it and find it a repulsive thing to have to look at. Thankfully, most of the visible damage was out of the obvious field of view, but when I look away, the damage can be seen.

Well, this morning, the damage had moved into the main portion of the white of my eye and it's quite obvious. I don't like it.

Now the question is: How did that happen? A stifled sneeze? Two much early morning grunting? I have no idea and I can't recall a specific poke to the eye. I hope it clears up quickly because it's a bit disturbing to have to look at.

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