
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer 1863-2009

It's all over but the shouting.

After 146 years of continuously publishing a Seattle newspaper, the Seattle P-I ceased print operations today, laying off nearly 180 employees in the process. The "paper" will continue as an on-line venture with 20 employees that have been retained from the print version, but I don't see that being terribly successful (though I truly wish them great success).

The sad thing is that papers are dying. Even the Seattle Times has stopped printing on the traditional large-sized paper stock, and are printing on something that more resembles tabloid-sized paper.

Now that Seattle is down to one city paper, a right-wing rag at that, the idea of having to pay for a Times when I want a print paper is depressing. With the "liberal" voices silenced, I can't stomach the idea of having to get my news skewed through the eyes of an editorial board to which I am philosophically opposed.

Dave Ross, local radio talk-show host was prognosticating last week when the final headline would read. His guess, and it was a great one: PI RIP The actual final headline read simply: P-I Presses Fall Silent

I've always been a collector of papers when historical events occur: 9/11, 2001 Seattle earthquake, Obama election (and swearing in), etc. I went out early this morning to pick up my copy, and I'm glad I did. There were only three papers left, and the checker who spotted me as I came in said I'd better hurry as they were going fast. I grabbed two.

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