
Friday, April 10, 2009

Money lost... and found!

I was going through a shitload of old mail last weekend. In an envelope, I found a check from our Insurances company that was issued over a year ago and had long since expired. $867... Hmmmm. Nice.

I called up the insurance company and had them reissue a new check. It came yesterday.

5 years ago I bought a computer, had to send it back three times, and finally asked them to refund the money. I sat on that bugger a little too long, and when I went to deposit it, found that it had expired two days earlier. I didn't get around to asking them to reissue me a new check in all those years, even though I knew I had that money coming to me. The insurance check money lit the fire under my ass to call them and get them to cut a new check (unemployment has a way of doing that, too).

I've got $287 coming from the computer folks. What am I gonna do with all that money?

I'm gonna buy a new computer (which I desparately need), and I've been toying with the idea of getting an iPod Touch. Not sure I'll get one, but they sure are cool.

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