
Friday, April 10, 2009

On Death and Dying

So, I was with the wife last weekend, when she asked me to hold my head steady and look off in a different direction. Doing as I'm told to do, she told me that I had some broken blood vessels in my eye. We all know how that looks and I was somewhat upset that I'd look like some freak out in public.

How could this have happened without my knowing about it. I'd just looked at myself in the mirror while brushing my teeth before leavingk, so I couldn't see how I missed it.

What caused it to happen? I have no idea. You'd think if I'd suffered a traumatic enough injury to cause that kind of damage, I would have know about it and remembered it.

Nothing. Zip. Nada.

That got me to thinking: If something like that can happen without my knowledge, what other things can happen without my knowing about it? Sure, we've all bumped into things, felt the pain, only to forget how that bruise got there a day or two later. But this? A bloody eye? Come on. I wonder if it happened while I was asleep? That's the only thing I can think to explain the complete lack of awareness. Hell, I didn't even notice it while I was awake.

I wonder if this is what it's like when people "die in their sleep". Who really knows what that's like. Do they really go peacefully, or do they sit up in bed, gasping for breath, clutching at the pain in their chest before the finally fall back into the mattress that one last time?

Could I have hemorraged to death from this eye thingie? Doubt it, but I guess I'm a little more aware of the thin sliver that separates those on this side of the ground from those on the other side.

I knew a 37-year-old woman who died in her sleep, about 20 years ago. I'm beyond 37 by a fair bit, so I guess this could happen to me. Is this my last post?

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